galleries |
I remember things you pretend to know.  |
gallery 2 My family  |
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Anomalous |
I am Anomalous<an-,not+homalos<homos, the same, common], deviating from the general rule; abnormal,(Webster's). or simply put "not what you expected ".<BR>
I am classically educated as an artist, and as a golf course superintendent. I am an ISA certified arborist. (an odd combination yes)
I drive a garbage truck now.(I am no longer a lawn mower man).
After 30 years of being undefined protestant Christian on 04-07-12 Mrs Anomalous and I were confirmed and took part in our first communion as Roman Catholics.
I am a paradox to people who know me and an anomaly to everyone else.
I am 73" tall, 3`200 ounces,I am somewhere beyond 21964.44 rotations of this planet old, eyes are cold blue, hair is mostly grey.
My favorite color is grey which is the presence of all colors (white)and the absence of all colors(black)at the same time,(paradox).
I despise 98% of all music that exists and actually become adgatated in many music environments.
I think everything is interesting.
I think integrity matters.
I was one of the "Uber Untrustables" (there were only seven of us here though there should by now be more). I was one of only two here who are beyond 18262 rotations in age, but that too may well have changed.
I remember things you pretend to know.
Some things I like=Art Deco, Art Nouveau,Machine age, Cubism Impressionism, Architecture, antique electric fans, old stuff in general, geology, vulcanology, critters(all kinds), making things with my hands, and learning.
Anomalism 01-24-18 And yet I have not. 2018-01-24 15:40:01 ET |
I have said to my self that I will do this more often and ended up doing it less than ever. So I will try it the other way and see if that works any better. I resolve to do this not more often. Well time will be the tell. I meant to do this 14 rotations ago and failed. How ever I have surpassed 20818.68 rotations of this rocky sphere, I have been around that bright thing in the sky 57 times now and I can still say this space time continuum is a very interesting place to exist. My prayer to never stop being curious is well answered.
Anomalism 01-10.16 I realy should do this more often. 2016-01-10 23:20:34 ET |
here I am again with nothing between my annual updates. Shamefull of me I know. I do have some big ( for me) changes to share. After 17 years with Davey Tree Company and 34 years in the grounds management, I did about 9 months ago walk away from that industry likely for good. I got tired of only working 8 months out of the year because winter work is in my area unreliable. My arborist certification and my pesticide license have failed to get for me the opportunities that I was promised. But my CDL which I have had for 20 years stepped up and opened the door to a job that is steady year round that has good benefits. I did not want to say too much (or anything really) until I was sure I could do the new job. It is after all very different from what I've been doing for all of my adult life. So far I have been able to keep up (just) and I like the job. Oh and also I am now 20088.2 rotations of this planet old, another orbit around the big yellow thing in the sky and happy to be here and to begin another.
Anomalism 01-11.15 19723 rotations 2015-01-11 06:40:15 ET |
Yesterday I passed 19722.96 rotations of this planet. It was uneventful, I had pizza and imperial stout for dinner, a pleasant day. Today I will cast and size some projectiles for reloading and carry some fire wood to the porch, I will have to cut down another dead or dieing tree soon. There are a couple near the house but they are large and will be dangerous to fell, not so much to me as to the house if they should fall wrong.
Anomalism 1-13-14 Belated 2014-01-13 07:35:17 ET |
I have been negligent in posting this and timing is normally kind of important with birthdays. I am 3 rotations late but, I have passed 19,357.72 rotations of this particular rocky mass and am still older than all but one of the rest of you. And though I have a few hazardous hobbies I still believe I am a very long way from adopting an insanely hazardous one. At least by my standards anyway.
Anomalism 07-04.13 It has been ten years. 2013-07-04 07:55:24 ET |
My first post here was July 4th 2003. I am not as active here as I used to be. I mostly lurk and sometimes comment these days mostly. I still do the same type of work that I was doing then and I was able to get enough done in 3 days to have today and tomorrow off. Oddly I do have to work Saturday though. No parades out here in the sticks, all pretty quiet unless some one falls off the cliff,(which people still don't understand is my back yard not park land, or maybe they just don't care). I still chase em off some times if I'm up there. I don't have any plans for the day, I may go down to the garage and make some bullets for my Webley ( which is what you have to do when you buy a gun they stopped making in 1884 if you want to shoot it). Not much else to report other than I'm glad that here is still here to report at.