2016-01-10 23:20:34 ET
here I am again with nothing between my annual updates. Shamefull of me I know. I do have some big ( for me) changes to share. After 17 years with Davey Tree Company and 34 years in the grounds management, I did about 9 months ago walk away from that industry likely for good. I got tired of only working 8 months out of the year because winter work is in my area unreliable. My arborist certification and my pesticide license have failed to get for me the opportunities that I was promised. But my CDL which I have had for 20 years stepped up and opened the door to a job that is steady year round that has good benefits. I did not want to say too much (or anything really) until I was sure I could do the new job. It is after all very different from what I've been doing for all of my adult life. So far I have been able to keep up (just) and I like the job. Oh and also I am now 20088.2 rotations of this planet old, another orbit around the big yellow thing in the sky and happy to be here and to begin another. |