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2025-01-23 16:41:16 ET some prejudiced-against-my-feminine-ass-self Angry Old White Male™ lunatic who happens to live on the same floor of my apartment building literally came to my apartment and started yelling at me and punched me in the face a couple days ago. so now i have a fancy black eye - something i don't even recall if i've ever had before in my life. between the day it happened and tomorrow (since i only have so much time / bandwidth in my present-day life to deal with this level of retardation, and fortunately a neighbor friend who is much bigger than either me or him gave him a talking to and assured me he won't try anything again) i've been / will continue to be calling various legal / LGBTQwhatever™ / victims rights orgs to figure out what i can do legally, particularly to go after my absolutely negligent and awful apartment management who themselves are active participants in enabling the events that led up to this happening and refusing to take any reasonable actions after it happened as well. but i'm not going to get into all of that cause this is SK it's not worth the time to type it all out. i'm not a betting man but, given how this guy generally acts and how he's acted towards me and in general at other times we've had brief passings in the building before, i would absolutely bet any amount of money he's also a biden / harris voter. yay america.
2025-01-17 00:39:33 ET my brother is going to the inauguration and has also been invited to tour the capitol, so i'll let you know if he ends up part of another "insurrection" PsyOp entrapment group and sent to jail for walking around the capital in an orderly and peaceful fashion led by police officers. also here this is fun: Prohibited Items Capitol Grounds - U.S. Capitol Police The U.S. Capitol Police Board has released the prohibited items list for U.S. Capitol Grounds. • Aerosol and non-aerosol sprays • Alcohol • All bags, backpacks, roller bags, suitcases exceeding size restrictions (12"x12"x5") • Ammunition • Animals (other than service animals) • Balloons • Balls • Beverages • Bicycles • Body Armor • Camera cases • Camping and climbing equipment, including tents, ropes, and grappling hooks • Cans, bottles, bottled or boxed liquids • Chairs (except those for mobility needs) • Chemicals, to include spillable batteries, paint, artificial blood, etc. • Commercial audio/video recording equipment and tripods • Coolers • Devices or equipment designed or used for jamming, disrupting, or interfering with communications signals or equipment • Duffle bags • Explosives of any kind (including fireworks and smoke bombs) • Firearms • Flammable liquids • Glass, thermal and metal containers • Handcuffs, zip ties, flex cuffs • Illegal substances, including marijuana • Knives, blades, box cutters or sharp objects (regardless of size) • Laptops/tablets/iPads • Laser lights and laser pointers • Leatherman or similar tools • Liquids of any kind (except for medicines). • This liquid ban is just for Capitol Grounds • Water will be provided for ticketed guests on Capitol Grounds • Mace/pepper spray • Noisemakers, such as air horns, whistles, drums, bullhorns, and other noise amplification devices • Packages • Poles, bats, sticks, and clubs, including selfie sticks • Range finders • Recreational motorized mobility devices • Seat cushions • Signs, placards, or banners • Spray containers • Scooters (including commercial/rental) • Strollers • Suitcases • Structures, including tents. • Supports for signs and placards. • Thermoses or thermal containers • Toy guns • Umbrellas • Unmanned aircraft systems/Drones • Weapons of any kind, including blackjacks, slungshots, slingshots, sand clubs, • Other items that may pose a threat to the security of the event as determined by sandbags, knuckles and at the discretion of the security screeners |
2025-01-14 03:15:45 ET it's time once again for compress-and-utterly-destroy-an-otherwise-perfectly-ok-photo-for-SK's-ridiculous-100-k-image-size-limit-because-it's-a-new-year-and-i-updated-this-photo-everywhere-else-so-whatever-SK-gets-the-worst-version-i-guess-oh-well. |
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