Today    2010-02-08 16:27:33 ET
Today couldn't get any better! Just an overall great day!
1 comment

 Hey    2010-02-07 21:23:32 ET
Wow today has been crazy day, I did so much stuff! I am really tired! I need to start going to bed earlier. I had a lot of fun today. Hung out with my friend Joe for a while today, we went to a bunch of places. Drank a lot of coffee and bought some vinyl records. The whole day I thought was Saturday, it just dawned on me it was Sunday. I guess I have my days mixed up. I should probably get to bed. Goodnight everybody.

For those of the people who use VampireFreaks here is my VampireFreaks profile if anyone wants to add it:

 Hey everybody    2010-02-07 17:26:20 ET
Just had a busy few days, I have been up to a ton of different stuff! I am just kind of taking it easy today. Last night watched a bunch of movies which is always a lot of fun. I am going out tonight with one of my friends, I am not 100% sure yet what we are going to do, but I am sure we will figure out something that will be fun. I have a feeling I'll probably be up very late tonight.

Oh by the way here is my Vampirefreaks profile if anyone wants to add it:

 recorded today    2010-02-05 18:37:06 ET
Today I recorded a LOT with my band, we got a lot done and did a ton of different stuff! It is sounding really good! Today was a pretty busy day I did a lot of stuff. Currently listening to some vinyl records. I am going to get to bed on the earlier side today I think.

     2010-02-04 14:58:09 ET
Hey everybody, had a long day today, I did a ton of different things. I am going to be watching the German film "Wings of Desire" it is supposed to be a VERY good movie and I am super excited to see it. I just bought it today. Anybody have any foreign films they want to recommend to me, I love foreign films.

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