This will ruin Firebird's day.
2005-04-06 06:21:26 ET,883747,wiadomosci.html

...but only if he looks at the ad at the top of the page. It's just so ironic.

Not a cloud in the sky.
2005-04-05 10:53:34 ET

None at all!

The sun isn't paying for my car though or doing my database project.
1 comment

I don't think I have a car anymore.
2005-04-05 07:24:33 ET


I can technically drive it until the 15th.

A monster.
2005-04-04 08:06:25 ET

I see myself documenting my humongous monstrosity of a project tonight. It's huge! There's constraints, triggers and tables referencing other tables. It's a mess! My database project requires that I model ebay.

Good mood and botched labs!
2005-04-02 08:20:05 ET

I am in good mood at the moment, yet it is likely that I do not leave the house today. Performed another botched EE lab yesterday. I hate showing up to these things just to show up. I pay tuition to see stuff work not dwiddle around for 3 hours!
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