2006-01-13 08:44:35 ET
Saturday: Registration begins at 7:30 - first come, first serve basis - with class begining at 8:00am EST.
Yes, that's right ladies and germs, this weekend is my 8hr Defenseive Driving class - for getting popped with going 90 in a 55. Better than losing my license for a month, i suppose.
Honestly though, I think as long as you're not driving impaired, the laws shouldn't be so harsh say, oh, after midnight or so...
The punishment should fit the crime. Now, it is MUCH worse of a crime to go speeding down some road during 'morning commute' hours, than it is at 3 in the morning. Shouldn't your fine be more when you're putting say 50 other drivers at risk in your drive, opposed to perhaps 2 or 3?
...but hey, maybe that's just me and my wacky ideas... |