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life | |
2007-12-16 15:58:18 ET I am not completely sure why, but lately I have been screaming on the inside and faking happy. Maybe it’s the season, but I mean... I don't know what I mean... Work is going great however... I found out last night that I passed my national certification test... My NCCT, I am now a CERTIFIED CODER... it’s awesome, I also will get a raise at work, which is awesome... But all this and I am still so so... I don’t want to say sad, or angry, but I can't think of any other emotions that fit it... I am lost... It seems like it won’t get any better... though I know it will, it always does... And besides this is what I do, survive, it’s what I'm best at..
Oh so | |
2007-10-31 03:03:01 ET HAPPY HALLOWEEN Its halloween bitches.. I get to go to work YAY.. :( |
oh yes | |
2007-10-22 04:55:37 ET It’s my Fucking birthday.. I got to go to work. Eh.. I guess today will be a good day any way.. I really feel indifferent about being another year older.. Yesterday I felt anxious, but now it is here and I am just all eh.. That is life.. 24... mid-20s.. eh.. it could be worse.. I am happy, health (for the most part) and just at ease with my life.. It is nice.
Well now | |
2007-10-06 20:48:39 ET Well now I am finally done with school... YAY for me!! Well done for now. I plan on going back to get my BA in history, so yeah... But, Thursday was my last day; I start my externship on Monday. Which is at my job so I get paid for it oh yeah. I have been moving forward at a much faster pace than I have ever done before. It is really crazy you know... I love that I can do pretty much anything I set my mind to, it is a new realization for me... well relatively new anyway, for the last year or so.. My life has been crazy and shitty, and exciting followed by more shit and then goodness as of late. But it is doing much better now. Everything is nuts really... but it is a good crazy... Ok... I bid you all a good night for now. |
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2007-09-10 04:52:48 ET I am off to work.. I really do not want to be.. I would rather stay home today. I am in need of vacation.. yes yes I am..
Cynicism | |
2007-07-15 19:55:01 ET I have become increasingly cynical as of late, its reverting back to old habits I guess. But at least this time I know I am a cynic. So much shit has happened as of late at it makes me hate the world. Our government (for those Americans) is a lying dictatorship, and I am not saying Bush is the dictator. It is all of it, the Senate, congress, and pretty much all politicians in general. I fear the worst for the upcoming elections in 2008, I do not hold out much hope for any of the candidates. I will still go to the polls as any citizen able to vote should. I will keep my eyes on the elections and I may still be undecided when I head down to vote.
eh | |
2007-07-07 13:30:11 ET Its saturday. its almost over.. I want to go out but its fucking hot and humid outside.. blah to heat.. why cant it rain some more.. yeah.. well it is supposed to tonight.
2007-07-02 20:23:20 ET I HAVE IT ON VIDEO rikki bitching about the GRILL it is funny excuse my sisters slightly inebriated camera skills Rikki's Rant
so they say its her birthday | |
2007-06-29 04:33:34 ET Go wish my sister a happy 21st birthday dammit. DAWN she is awesome |
EGad.. | |
2007-06-02 20:48:36 ET I havnt written on here in like well almost two months.. I am now a perminent Employee of El Rio Health center.. FUCK YEAH.. I am still in school, and will be graduating in november, but I start my Externship in september. Soo.. what have you all been up to. ps.. sorry for the typos and spelling/grammer errors.. I am tired and to lazy to copy and paste in to word and correct it.
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