2025-01-27 17:52:13 ET

for those of us keeping track and trying to stay bullshit / propaganda-free (and who don't work for the federal government, granted, that's a redundant statement):

what trump's "birthright citizenship" exec. order actually does.

the amount of countries globally who already have the exact same restricted birthright / citizenship policy trump is trying to implement stateside (hint hint: it's most of them*, including virtually all of europe, *except for the rest of the majority that have no birthright citizenship guarantee whatsoever and / or are even more restrictive.

i guess the whole-ass world must just be all nazi / fascist / white supremacist / right-wing now including half-way-to-fully-lefty-socialism areas like scandinavia! jeez. i mean clearly, that's only possible explanation! 🤷‍♂️🤪

stay stupid and afraid, 'murricans. or, you know, maybe don't, and stop listening to the "news" and fed bot accounts on social media.


this video, this video, and this video.

2025-01-28 13:34:43 ET

Can you tell me what it means to be a pro-Trump leftist? Are you a leftist? Genuinely really curious.

2025-01-28 16:00:02 ET

I'm pro trumpets 🎺🎺🎺🎺

2025-02-01 14:59:59 ET

@cyb0rg: you're back in the city, aren't you? if so we should grab tea again sometime soon - that's honestly the only proper way i could answer your question. after 2020 i've sort of created a personal boundary where i'm only willing to discuss politics in any level of real depth with people in person, as much for my own sanity's sake as it's all just too much to get into on the internet and too much nuance in communication is lost in text.

so, yeah, lemme know if you'd wanna hang out again anytime soon. i'd like that.

as for a few things i can say here that may be relevant:

whenever anyone from the US asks me if i'm a leftist these days, if i give an answer, it's that i am yes but i add the qualifier that i'm a leftist / socialist (literally wearing hammer & sickle earrings as i type this. heh.) by present global standards, and by historical US standards.

i wholeheartedly agree with chris hedges' (another principled US leftist who would ascribe to the same definitions of that term that i do) statement that when 2020 happened, a significant chunk of the self-identifying "american left committed suicide."

also as a principled generally left-aligned person, i wouldn't really identify as "pro-_insert_any_political_or_authority_figure_here_". i care about policies and class analysis / solidarity with working people and the mass proletariat - you know, the stuff that much of the US self-identifying left - and exclusively the US self-identifying left - have been PsyOped to death to entirely throw out the window while focusing on utter ego-based bullshit, corporate entity / celebrity worship, and outright psychoses since 2020 happened. hence hedges' comment that the american left committed suicide.

but um, some of us are still trying to make real change and be anti-propaganda / pro-worker / pro-sanity regardless of any other factors

so that's the "short" tip-of-the-iceberg response to your question? like i said, though, anything else would be much better chatted about over tea or something. so lemme know if you wanna hang and i can get into more of, well, everything. this country has gone batshit insane over the past several years and a bunch of us who have long considered ourselves on the left - but who didn't throw all our principles and objectivity out the window once trump and covid showed up - are still here trying to actually find solutions and wake people up out of their divide-and-conquer state of mind, amongst other positive, working-class focused, efforts.

there's also my vero feed for more tidbits and links that i try to post as seeds planted where i feel it's merited and as i have time and energy. there's a pinned post on my profile too with recs for a ton of indie / left journalists, commentators, and journalism outlets who have zero dark money or corpo funding and are also just trying to cut through the bullshit irrespective of who's in office.

2025-02-01 15:00:21 ET

@sanda pandwich: trumpets do, in fact, improve everything.

2025-02-01 22:27:43 ET

One time I saw a ghost.

2025-02-01 22:28:11 ET

Have either of you considered, perhaps, that politics are "le ghey?"

2025-02-02 00:18:38 ET

dude, literally all of this God's United Country Of The Gulf Of America™ is le ghey.

did you give the ghost a trumpet?

2025-02-02 23:08:47 ET


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