2023-02-03 02:43:05 ET

holy fuck this looks incredible.

maybe something miraculous will happen between now and then and i'll actually get employed soon enough to be able to get to this somehow, though i won't hold my breath.

but if you live in the midwest, jesus christ GO.

2023-02-03 11:16:54 ET

I went to the herpes dance festival and all I got was this stupid shirt (and herpes!)

2023-02-03 13:00:36 ET

iā€™m jealous!

2023-02-03 14:43:34 ET

I'm Mark.

2023-02-03 21:15:54 ET

your new nickname should be "Herpes Mark"

2023-02-04 13:18:33 ET


Ok Boomer šŸ–•šŸ–•šŸ–•šŸ–•

2023-02-04 13:43:04 ET

ok Herpes Mark

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