2022-05-24 20:52:43 ET

it appears europe has entered the “find out” phase of their “fuck around and find out” plan of “let’s make russia our sworn enemy and align ourselves with NATO for reasons and it’s ok because america will now help us with energy and stuff, right? right???”

2022-05-25 08:52:13 ET

On one hand, if you have neighbors like Russia, I fully understand joining the anti-crazy neighbor club. Surely Russia is aware that they don't have a good track record of winning hearts and minds1

On the other hand, I am of course opposed to proxy wars and funding proxy wars, let alone actually sending Americans over there to die - hopefully that last part can be avoided, but the way things are looking right now... I dunno.

It's kinda baffling to me that European nations haven't prioritized energy independence. They must've known that future conflicts with Russia were a distinct possibility. I know nuclear power is scary, but nuclear war is scarier, isn't it?

1 by no means is this an excuse for American imperialism, but there is a distinctly Russian form of "diplomacy" at work in this instance.

2022-05-25 11:09:38 ET

while i’m definitely no putin fan, given each country’s overall track record insofar as war crimes and general ineptitude goes, at this point, i’d still trust and attempt to negotiate with russia before i’d trust the damn US. europe has truly had the wool pulled over it’s eyes by america / NATO. the fact that anyone in europe thinks the US is somehow their friend, and not just an occupying force attempting to expand an otherwise dying empire that’s spread itself way too thin, shows a truly impressive level of naïveté on the part of the EU at this point. like, i get that russia is “right there” but FFS track record matters and america is the world’s biggest liar and purveyor of international fuckery full stop and it’s not even close. the shit US empire has done makes russia look like fucking disneyland in comparison.

i do know some people in europe who know better. but it’s surprising how many apparently don’t or are being willfully ignorant right now.

2022-05-26 19:44:28 ET

Russia and Ukraine deserve each other, I wish them nothing but mutually assured destruction, my family back in Romania say fuck em both, just keep Belarus out of Moldova.

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