Life Update -
2009-01-08 13:51:32 ET

Married as of Aug 27th (she had a beautiful 14mo daughter when we married), and working at Panera Bread until the next term when I'll take my Pharmacy Tech certification. Just busy, busy, busy..... Still here, though.


2009-01-08 14:16:47 ET


<3 Panera..I wish we had one here.

2009-01-08 14:19:08 ET

Thank you!! The great thing about working there is I get to try everything for free....

2009-01-08 16:10:16 ET

Congrats you!! Im soo glad you are happy =) And its good to see you back here!!!

2009-01-09 05:00:59 ET

Congrats Sam! Miss you terribly.

2009-02-05 10:08:41 ET

So glad to hear all the congratulations, etc.... Ive missed all of you as well, and can hopefully find some time to be on here a little bit more, in the near future - right now, on top of all my "Life Responsibilities", I'm also doing some reading at a feverish pace - hell, I've all but finished the first book in Gurdjief's series: 'Beelzebub's Tales to his Grandson', on my breaks at work or in the bathroom, in like two months (and that's not counting any of the OTHER things I'm reading/researching)....


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