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lilsuitepee Washington D.C | |||
Nancy: 24 soon to be 25 which means 5 years to 30! UGGH!@ "Zee trouble maker from portugal" Currently works w/little munchkins as tall as her My own little personal Wizard Of Oz I've been on Sk for quite some time but have been ignoring it lately. Shame on me. I'm looking to change that! I'm very easy going and open minded. Likes: dancing, driving, smoking my lucky strikes or marlboro 100s, blue motorcyles(the drink), tattoos,traveling, , cute men with accents, old hollywood, cult films,languages, modern art, collecting random objects, listening to the ole crooners, psychobilly, rockabilly, some industrial, 80s new wave, electroclash Just ask, I can tell you more. Dislikes: snobby DC people or DC in general, whales, foreign drivers (damn diplomats),traffic, locking my keys in my car, drama AIM: lilsuitepee ![]() |
2006-05-29 12:53:05 ET Wow. It's been a very,very long time. Almost a year since I last updated. Oh poor SK. I promise not to neglect you for so long. Anyways. I'm ms.busy body. Work takes up most of my time but with the school year almost over, I'm looking forward to some well deserved rest. Heavy Rebel Weekend may be a go this year as is a possible trip to the ole NYC. Since Nation will soon be demolished for baseball, big clubs have lost the appeal to me. 2006 is the year of dive bars and southern comfort. Poor boring dc. Baltimore is looking better and better. I'm looking forward to some new faces. Don't be shy, say hello! A make no sense entry. What fun. I'm tired. I'm out.
2005-07-02 23:59:15 ET Are breast shots really necessary?? No, unless you are bio mechanic. Then it is acceptable. Dan, bring on the photos.
Can I have some Patton w/ my breakfast, please?? | |
2004-02-18 22:58:08 ET Oh yeah..finally a good show coming!!! SUN APR 4- FANTOMAS, MELT BANANA, THE LOCUST $17 mainstage 8:30 (on-sale date TBA) @ The Black Cat. (Liz, not sure if these places are near you but I'd give you a heads up just in case...Mon 03/29/04 Austin, TX Stubb's Barbeque - Tue 03/30/04 Houston, TX,Venue:Numbers) In other news: They're making a biopic on Mr. Johnny Cash who is being played by Joaquim Phoenix. ???? And Reese Witherspoon as June Carter. ???? Hmm...can I get a WTF?? UPDATE: I just saw this and had to share. No words can describe my reaction.
Gutentag Fido! | |
2004-02-05 10:57:13 ET HAHAHA...oh what they teach dogs these days. |
New PeekTures: | |
2004-01-08 22:27:58 ET I finally got some more film developed plus I figured out an uber easy way to upload them (thanks to mom's new computer) so be expecting to see more photographs! Lauren and Gavin at Bailey's Day
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