Progress2012-06-26 05:27:29 ET

Since I started eating right and working out, I have lost a total of 22lbs and 8". I have a long way to go but its really great to not have any pants that fit you because they are all to big. :D

Ho Hum2012-05-23 15:19:38 ET

I just really hit me how much Sage has changed. I of course have pictures plastered all over my walls, and as I look at her I see the difference in each one. It makes me sad and proud all at the same time. She definately isn't a baby any more she is a beautiful little girl. She will be in 1st grade this fall, and it really doesn't seem possible.

This was taken in August of last year...

This was taken just last week

1 comment

I have lost...2012-05-22 13:07:04 ET

18lbs total so far. I know that was the easy weight, but I am still excited. I am at least 1/2 an inch smaller everywhere too. :)

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