Its been really hard to cope lately | 2007-07-06 06:17:26 ET |
I know in life that people come and go, especially when you are in the military, but I still have a very hard time dealing with it. My friend Patch was shiped out to Iraq for a year about 3 weeks ago, and today two of my very close friends went to California. Their ship changed home ports. Two more of my friends are leaving as leaves Monday. He is leaving for the Army, and the other is going home to Kansas. I am glad for them because they both are getting to do something that they want, but I have no one else. My husband doesn't get home until Sept. and they are the only close friends I have. I am one of those people that hates to be alone and once they are gone, I will be. Life really sucks sometimes. Any ways I have been spending quite a bit of time with them and have gotten some goofy pictures, so I thought I would share them.
