2005-08-23 07:57:45 ET

We finally got an Ikea store here in Dallas, which is great. However, there has been a 1/4 mile long line to get into the place for 2 weeks now. I decided to try and go last friday and I guess we beat the rush. Funny thing is, the only thing a bought was a grey stuffed toy sheep and a strainer, something I could have gotten anywhere.

Saturday I did my usual go to the pool at night, relax, and have a few drinks. Its a large resort style pool with several smaller pools and waterfalls, nice place to go unwind. Usually there isnt anyone there around 11pm. However, this night, a bunch of frat types decided to have a little party. Now, its a public pool and anyone who lives in the complex can use it, but obnoxious people really piss me off. The first thing I here as I come in the gate is "huh huh freak show, huh huh". Ok, im 31 years old and have heard that crap since I was in my teens and it doesnt bother me, but come on, grow up already. Luckily the left shortly after. The rest of the evening went well, a couple friends came over and we floated around on those pool noodle things drinking until 2:30 am. Good times.

I have a question for anyone that might be a developer.

I want to catagorize all of my music into a searchable database that can be accessed via a web interface. I was think some sql type stuff, but if someone has done this or has a good idea, let me know.

2005-08-23 09:10:12 ET

what is an ikea store?

2005-08-23 09:38:38 ET

Its a huge European inspired funiture/houseware store thats based out of Sweden and super cheap.


2005-08-23 23:37:27 ET

mmm, ikea is the devil, the traffic it generates is always obscene--the one we have here has been around for about 4 years, and its still a traffic nightmare. On the otherhand...they have really cool shit :P

I need a stuffed sheep!

2005-08-24 08:09:08 ET

I need an ikea store because it sounds nice and im redecorating? lol

2005-08-26 07:15:59 ET

Hell yes. Cheap furniture is fucking awesome.

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