FOR SALE 2005-03-12 05:57:26 ET |
Well, the house is up for sale today. It was creepy when i came home from work and saw the sign. but we have three families coming on the first day. which is today.
2005-03-10 17:11:58 ET |
Bus fare to the city...$2.00
Cab to the starbucks you meet at...$8.00
A large double-mocha latte...$4.75
Being "just friends" with the girl you just traveled 15 miles for...Priceless
What a week 2005-03-09 18:02:28 ET |
"Between this(Mafia-BLS), and the Priest album, its been a good week for metal" - Tetesuro
He's fuckin' right, its not often you have too much to listen to in a week
Mafia 2005-03-08 14:45:58 ET |
Mafia hit stores today, i got my copy. ANOTHER MASTERPEICE by the Wyldeman
Now its only 1 month till i see 'em live for the tour