Hi! My name is Jenna...
2009-06-04 05:47:44 ET

....and I like eggs!

I also have a mosquito bite that itches real bad right now.

2009-06-04 12:47:52 ET

let me lick it!

2009-06-04 12:49:23 ET

p.s. i love how your main pic in your top gallery is the most ancient thing ever, featuring the husband of someone who has since grown to hate me d-:

2009-06-04 13:40:53 ET

*me bugging you because Lars said to

2009-06-04 13:45:34 ET

prof just said he likes your boobz

2009-06-04 14:13:54 ET

Mosquitoes are teh lamzors

2009-06-04 15:03:24 ET

Damn right!

2009-06-04 15:05:23 ET

jenna's boobs = definitely not mosquito bites.

2009-06-04 20:44:43 ET

Mosquitos are the devil's soldiers, as are mimes.

2009-06-13 16:03:10 ET

what??? how did this conversation go to my boobs???

2009-06-14 14:06:49 ET

probably the fact that you had your boobs as your avatar. just probably.

2009-06-15 11:19:14 ET

eggs with cheese!

2009-06-15 15:47:51 ET

How could it not?

2009-06-18 06:07:37 ET

lol....I don't have boobs! What are you talking about?! That was my mom's picture.

2009-06-18 14:51:07 ET

you're still a bad liar, too. d-:

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