2003-06-14 07:41:53 ET

got a gig tonight. about 79-80 bucks. i'm playing in a big band in temple. should be fun. we'll see

2003-06-14 07:43:45 ET

have fun! :)

2003-06-14 07:48:32 ET

thanks :) i'm sure that it'll be fun. we are playing a bunch of swing stuff. thats my forte. i love swing!

2003-06-14 07:50:23 ET

swing dancing is SO fun!

2003-06-14 07:51:59 ET

you can swing dance? cool! i haven't done that in a long time.

2003-06-14 07:55:04 ET


I don't have the energy for it anymore, though :-/

2003-06-14 07:57:58 ET

Woo! Congrats!
I'll be there.

2003-06-14 12:05:34 ET

Camo pics.... . ::drools::

I learned how to swing dance but I can't practice cause everyone else is too short to partner me. (shut up Bio, I'm not dancing with you)

2003-06-14 12:11:41 ET

::cries so hard::

I'm going to spend my whole life bending down. :[
</not innuendo>

2003-06-14 18:30:41 ET

i'll dance with you, Sug.

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