2005-06-28 16:59:12 ET

alright goddamnit who is going to elysium this weekend?

2005-06-28 17:05:15 ET


2005-06-28 17:08:28 ET

really? fuck yeah!

2005-06-28 17:12:58 ET

whats an elysium?

2005-06-28 17:14:00 ET

oh... well shit

2005-06-28 17:14:21 ET

its a rivethead/goth club in austin

2005-06-28 17:18:47 ET

oh haha, im in california. i dont think i will be there dear.

2005-06-29 19:50:43 ET

Me and You. :P

2005-06-30 13:11:19 ET


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