2006-05-14 04:29:35 ET |
9 am. up from an overnight working on the Lightning Musuem project.
Been up 36 hours maybe?
So I've decided that what I need before bed is a shot of absinthe.
Sometimes i swear I'm the most hardcore mofo I know
i love this man . 2006-05-10 08:44:00 ET |
massive tectonic shift, effective immediately
this is big.
this is so big.
i'm so afraid .
he pulled me through so much .
today was a mutually recognized event horizon of sorts, but the gravitational pull has been felt for months
i dont think it could be stopped at this point.
the cards are stacked against, the logistics unthinkable, but i don't
i'm so scared to jinx it but i can't contain it anymore.
is this just leftover insanity?
i don't think so.
here i am, pulling a chris, posting about it because i know neither he
nor anyone else not on SK can read it here. this is my safe place .
everything i've learned since the apocolypse tells me RUN THE EXPERIMENT
"you'll like him...
he's one of us..."
new years eve - bushwick, brooklyn, nyc 2006-01-03 18:56:30 ET |
[by me, not of me]

i try to shoot moving targets

2005-12-15 09:21:51 ET |
started a livejournal community for chris's friends.
don't know if anyone will take to it or not, but it seemed like a good idea since he had so many diverse groups.. subkultures.net was just one group of people he was engaged with.
I'm partly doing this so that my journal.. my actual journal.. might return to sanity... plus i feel bad about being so morbid when everyone else was so nice...
hold silent 2005-12-06 06:19:22 ET |

Hold silent
You were my violent snow
In my life
Just for the moment
And then the young die
So you can die
I was alive
I was alive
In my body
You'll never find me
You'll never pull me in
In my body
The lonely creatures
The lonely creatures scream
Junes of cast
Left tired in their bones sleep
Burned alive
Wasted sunsets
Haunted my tunnel light
Right through my clothes
I was alive
I was alive
In my body
You'll never find me
You'll never pull me in
In my body
The lonely creatures
The lonely creatures scream
I was alive
I was alive
In my body
You'll never find me
You'll never pull me in
In my body
The lonely creatures
The lonely creatures scream
In my body
In my body
In my body, you