2005-04-26 00:24:33 ET
İlter'in düğne gittim (Türk arkadaşım...)
Çok içtim.
Oğuz çok güzel göreniyordu!
Resimlerim burda! :D :D :D
Translation (with PICTURES!):
I went to Ilter's wedding (my Turkish friend from work who married an incredibly smart Brit)! I got tipsy and didnt know it (poor, poor Oğuz)...
My Oğuz looked so handsome (ew BKT looks like shit!)...
And I just wanted to show it! :)
And I also wanted to ask everybody about a certain phenomina Ive recognized as far as weight gain/loss goes. I gain weight, my midrif gets bigger, my face gets smaller. I lose weight, I have a nice tummy and a fat face -- WHAT THE HELL?!? I have a nice midrif now, and a monster second chiN!!!
Anybody care to elaborate??
<3 |