2005-02-27 04:27:20 ET
...a quick one.
1. Im at work right now -- using the computer for free, sitting in the middle of a tall Turk's computer class. Typing away and he's lecturing. I feel kinda bad, but oh well.
2. I am here, supposed to be working on the TOEFL program. That's right. TOEFL as in Taking On English as a Foreign Language as in the exam given in Canada and America if you want to study abroad. I have been told to write an entire TOEFL exam prep course, although, I have never taken the exam (being an American in this country I already automatically know EVERYTHING donchya know *eyeroll and giggle*).
3. I made a plan a few days ago. I presented it to the boss BEFORE my other peer (a beautiful TUrkish girl named İltar, who speaks English fluently). Stupid me. I was under the impression that the owners of the dershane (litterly translates into schoolhouse -- but think community college instead) knew ENglish AND the test. Nope. THey just know that the creation of a TOEFL prep-course by an American would reel in some BIG bucks. İltar said it was a good plan, but 270 vocabulary words isnt enough. She's right. A minimum of 1000 vocabulary word knowledge is needed -- that's VOCABULARY words, like "pretense, adjacent, perrenial, corpulent, accretion, locally, auricular" -- NOT "this, that, the, to run, to eat, to sleep, bowl, umbrella, nightstand, computer". My boss said to me "what level of grammar is this? Elementary, Pre-intermediate? --" I reply "UPPER-ADVANCED". He says "oh... hmmm... would you like 120 hours instead of 70?". Yeah, thanks -- I would!
4. NOw, I continue working on the plan. THere are 20 grammars instead of 16, tons of words lists, and many things not taught at this dershane. THe owners were thinking "oh, well, after our students take the upper-intermediate class, they can take TOEFL, pay tons of money, and be shipped off to America and Canada!". HA...ha ha... HAAAAAAAAAA! No way. This class.... no way.
5. Şimdi ders yazıyorum (so now, Im writing a course.). It's obvious that they dont know what the hell they're doing. I now feel a personal obligation to make a seriously kick-ass class. With MORE hours. With tons of vocabulary. With all the right grammar, and listening practice.
6. Oğuz starts school tomorrow (its time... when he's dormant for too long, he gets this attitude about him, I still love him though). That means I can work from morning until night freely ("watchya doin'... oh... yeah *sarcasic joke*..... *I say something, he doesnt pay attention*... what??? huh??? whatever I dunno... *I stomp out of the house and want to go eat a big icecream sundae, but I cant. Why? I have no money and I dont know where I can get icecream*).
7. I'm moving out. haha! UP 2 FLOORS FROM APT 3 TO APT 11 WITH A SUPER CUTE TURKISH GIRL NAMED BEHİYE! In an apartment without mold growing on the walls... without man hair everywhere... and boy mess everywhere... and man slouching... and man... man... man... I love Oğuz so much, but the apartment thing isnt working with Rıdvan -- I really dont like the bastard. I did, but he's an anti-America, anti-Christian, anti-female, anti-globalization, anti-education, anti-hard working MAN. He's anti-everything I am pro. (Im pro any country, any religion, Im pro both sexes, and globalization isnt such a bad thing, Im a teacher AND a student, and I work hard -- Im pro-equality, freedom, and the right to kick the bastard in the face).
And that's my story. Now, I'm tired of working. I want to get my paycheck, go eat breakfast (its 5:30 here -- and I havent eaten), buy some groceries, clean, and be HAPPY, FREE WEEEEEEEE!
And its a small paycheck -- I took a week long vacation and cancelled Friday because of a period. A disgusting one.
Life's too short to worry... just realized that. Wow.
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