I just had a lovely conversation with my dad... he is finally leaving my horrible step mom... Loida is an anti american filipino that treats my half sister and half brother (her step children) with the affection of hitler to the jews... he said he wouldnt tolerate her treating nadine (my 9 year old sister that is virtually perfect, well behaved, excellent grades, good house keeper and she is very loving and caring) the way she does...for example wrighting in green marker on the kitchen walls you dirty disgusting children i hate you (not nadine, loida a 37 year old did this) so i am very excited he has grown balls and is packing his and nadines stuff (nathan my half brother is now living with his mother because of various problems, some due to loida some due to being a teenager) the only glitch in this is that my dad and loida have a butiful baby girl that is 1 1/2 and I fear KC will probally be moving to the philipinos with loida, seeing loida hates americans so... and of course once she is in the philipeans who will raise her loidas brothers wife while loida looks for a job and probally remarries... this is so not cool i feel bad for kc but it seems there is no other option