miss the old days.
2013-05-04 17:11:56 ET

Jesus I was 17 when this site started. I'm 28 now. Those were definitely the days. I miss talking to all my old friends here. Life was so simple back then. Now I'm almost out of rehab and about to hit the club scene with my music. Atlanta here I come. Already have stuff lined up at the shelter some time this year. For anyone interested or who possibly remembers my music from back in the day, I've come a long way since then. WWW.soundcloud.com/dunkler-tr-ume all my stuff is up for download.

2013-05-04 19:03:28 ET

Awesome! Get out there and make that music!

2013-05-04 19:46:45 ET

Working on it trust me xD you approve?

2013-05-04 19:59:13 ET

I listened to the first 3 and I like 'em.

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