You know you wear black at work too often when...    2004-10-29 11:34:07 ET
the boss wishes you well on your holiday next week and a co-worker assumes she meant you were taking time after Haloween off for religious reasons and starts asking questions about Samhain.

     2004-10-28 13:18:28 ET
100,000 excess deaths in Iraq since American invasion

Way to go, guys.

 I see blue lights...    2004-10-25 12:18:07 ET
Now Biomechanic can have that Fictional-themed bathroom he always wanted.

The Galactika toilet seat

The bad English translation is hilarious in its own right.

 Mangled bits of animals aren't art    2004-10-21 11:21:39 ET
These are just fucked up. Especially the mouse finger-puppets and boots for chickens.

And now, a survey:

-- name: Doug
-- birthdate: November 29 1975
-- birthplace: Toronto
-- current location: Toronto
-- eye color: brown
-- hair color: Black - black stubble, anyway.
-- righty or lefty: righty
-- zodiac sign: Saggitarius
-- innie or outtie: innie

// series two - describe
-- your heritage: English, Scottish
-- the shoes you wore today: Clunky black things from Aldo
-- your hair: None - on my head, anyway - black and curly elsewhere. :-P
--your eyes: expressive, but near-blind without glasses
-- your weakness: Shyness. I'm bad at conversations sometimes.
-- your fears: The usual - ending up alone, death, big insects....
-- your perfect pizza: Extra cheese, onion, sausage, bacon, meat meat meat!
-- one thing you'd like to achieve: Raising a child (someday!) who is less screwed-up than I am.

// series three - what is
-- your most overused phrase on aol\aim: N/A - don't use them
-- your thoughts first waking up: Damn alarm!
-- the first feature you notice in the opposite sex: It depends on the woman. There are so many different ways in which they can be beautiful and so it's always a surprise which one presents itself first.
-- the best name for a butler: Lurch
-- your best physical features: I think I have nice broad shoulders.
-- your bedtime: 2 AM, usually
-- your greatest fear: I fear that I either won't be able to find "that special person" or worse, I'll shove them away for some dumb reason.
-- your greatest accomplishment: Writing and delivering an eulogy for my father's funeral. It's the greatest, at the moment, because it was the most difficult thing I've had to do.
-- your most missed memory: I really miss the time spent with my father as a child - as obviously, I've had to think about that of late. I also still miss my cat, especially since I can't get another because I developed allergies.
-- pepsi or coke: Coke
-- mcdonald's or burger king: If I must, McDonald's.
-- single or group dates : Group can be more fun, single is more intimate - depends on how I feel.
-- adidas or nike: Neither.
-- lipton ice tea or nestea: Nestea.
-- chocolate or vanilla: Kinky
-- cappucino or coffee: Coffee - though I'm no huge fan of it.
--boxers or briefs: Boxers

// series five - do you
-- smoke: no
-- cuss: Yes
-- sing well: Well enough for people not to roll on the floor screaming.
-- take a shower everyday: Usually
-- do you think you've been in love: No. Not seriously, anyway.
-- want to go to college: Again? Maybe.
-- like high school: No, on the whole it sucked.
-- want to get married: Yes
-- type with your fingers on the right keys: Yes, the keys I use ARE the right keys, damn it!
-- believe in yourself: Cogito ergo sum.
-- get motion sickness: Sometimes.
-- think you're attractive: Not especially. I won't be gracing the cover of GQ anytime soon.
-- think you're a health freak: Definitely not. I should aim to become a healthy freak, however.
-- get along with your parents: Yes
-- like thunderstorms: yes
-- play an instrument: no

// series six - in the past month, did/have you
-- drank alcohol: Yes
-- smoke(d): No
-- done a drug: No
-- have sex: The people who prosecuted Bill Clinton would think I did
-- go on a date: No
-- go to the mall?: Yes
-- eaten an entire box of oreos: No
-- eaten sushi: No
-- been on stage: No
-- been dumped: No
-- gone skating: No
-- made homemade cookies: No
-- been in love: No
1 comment

     2004-10-18 10:58:10 ET
The KMFDM concert last night was quite good, though it did suffer a little from the "we have to control our machines so we can't move" phenomenon that afflicts some shows. It suffered more from the opening act, but the less said about that, the better.

Later that night by sheer luck, I ended up drinking with Sascha K. You may all die of jealousy now. :-P

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